Program Centenar

Centenarul Marelui R?zboi ?i al Marii Uniri reprezint? un eveniment unic în via?a societ??ii române?ti ?i implicit în cea a Societ??ii de ?tiin?e Istorice din România (S?IR), ale c?rei filiale se afl? în prima linie, pentru c? misiunea nobil? de Citeste mai mult

International Conference of the Doctoral School of History, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest 8th – 9th June 2018

The Doctoral School of the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, would like to invite PhD candidates in history, political science, international relations, economics or any other related fields, from all over the world, to an international conference about borders, barriers and frontiers as they have evolved and shaped human society throughout centuries. Transnational, regional and global perspectives are especially welcome. 2018 marks the 100th year celebration of the end of the First World War, President`s Wilson Fourteen Points and the Great Union of Romania. The Versailles Peace Treaties reshaped Eastern Europe, in the context of the dissolution of empires and the creation of new nation-states. In order to mark these events, an academic debate about the role of borders in history is necessary.

Restanta prof. Ovidiu Bozgan

MODIFICA DE PE DATA DE 23.01.2018, PE DATA DE 25.01.2018.